Our Team are capable of managing youth program and student educational tour program or adventure trip for youth based on Experiential Learning method with highly safety consideration.


ADVENTURE INDONESIA®   concerns with your educational institution needs; we are very open-minded to discuss customized and modified programs that are useful for you according to the Youth Developmental theory, multiple intelligence, Adventure Experience Paradigm based on Experiential Learning.  Adventure Indonesia® helps you with the post-course, coaching course after the program in order to monitoring the course impacts that need to be realized effectively.


Mr. FX Stanley, an alumni of Outward Bound,  is in charge in ADVENTURE INDONESIA® Outdoor Department & Youth Program Department, specialized in outdoor activity and experiential learning. He has been running this field since 2001, 


We successfully arranged Ruamrudee International School,Thailand for 10 days in Java and Bali, Adventure Camp grade 5 from Canggu Community School in Bali,, 20 Days Program of JoLt from all around Great Britain, United Kingdom, Wales, and Scotland, and Ireland, it started from North Sumatra (Bukit Lawang for Orangutan and jungle trekking, then they straight to Lembah Harau for doing Bamboo Rafting, rice padi plantation and rural tour. Their journey continued to Bukit Tinggi, Ngarai Sianok for experiencing Japanese old tunnel and also Indonesian Big Ben called ‘Jam Gadang’). The Jolters adventure proceeded to Jakarta for visiting UK Embassy and National Monument. They also did our Specialized Jungle Survival Course with Indonesia Special Forces, at Mount Salak, continued to Cianjur for floating village, fish spa, chocolate plantation journey, and the extraordinary School visit, complete with the interaction with the local people at traditional market. This magnificent group continued to see Borobudur Temple and enjoy the famous road ‘Malioboro’ in Jogjakarta. They did climbing Mt Bromo, did surf school and yoga in Bali. Their Journey ended in Flores for Komodo trekking and trekking Cunca canyon, around 1 hour from Laboan Bajo


ADVENTURE INDONESIA® has very strong experiences in designing and operating Student Tour, Adventure Educational Program, Environmental Studies and YouthDiscovery Course. We handled UWCSEA United World College South East Asia (SINGAPORE) for 7 Days climbing & trekking in Yogyakarta. We are regularly handling Students from Unite States including Michigan Boy Scouts, Europe, United Kingdom and Asian Country, many International School in Jakarta and Embassy. We are successfully handling 22 students from UK (England) – 16 Days Students Trip and more to come with. We are also regularly handling jungle survival certification for local and international Pilot